This morning, my dear friend, Mary Whitby, Broxbourne, was selected for a Civic Award for her lifetime's work in the community whereby she envisioned her divine mission and delivered it, with the panache many can only write
about whilst being thrilled and delighted for her.
The Lights of Love she implanted far and wide are immeasureable yet tangible when viewed through prisms held in esteem by leaders and courtiers alike.
The magnificence of her highly accredited work will grow exponentially and in perpetuity via the profession, community, those she trained and encouraged, individuals along with their families who benefited from her counsel.
Certainly, a Whitby Master Class for the followers of Prime Minister, David Cameron's 'The Big Society'
'Divine goodness awaits us and surrender is the doorway to serenity'
Debbie Ford, NY Times best-selling author.
My prayer
- Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
- Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
- Where there is injury, pardon.
- Where there is doubt, faith.
- Where there is despair, hope.
- Where there is darkness, light.
- Where there is sadness, joy.
- O Divine Master,
- grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
- to be understood, as to understand;
- to be loved, as to love.
- For it is in giving that we receive.
- It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
- and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
- Amen
Those Lights of Love will shine too, for Isabel Hospice, Van Hage, Ware
when a congregation will gather to celebrate our dearest Lights who have passed away.
Rest in peace
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