Monday 15 November 2010

Are YOU worthy of YOUR heart's desires?

Cycling around London on Boris Bikes certainly provides exhileration for the dopamine receptors, raising motivation, pleasure, cognition, memory, learning, fine motor control and neuroendocrine integration - what is more, its free for the first 30 minutes!

Launching my journey of self discovery, there was no better way to motivate myself than to hop onto a bicycle and view London close-up and personal.

Big Ben viewed whilst waiting at red traffic lights (alongside Boadicea's statue situated on the corner of Westminster Bridge on Victoria Embankment) focuses my mind until Hip Hop, Grime and R&B, DJ & Television Presenter, Timothy Westwood known for Pimp My Ride cruises by in a purple London Taxi.

(By the way, London's 'Black Taxis' are World Class, the safest way to travel - 'the Ayes have it' - by drivers with 'bigger brains'.) The Knowledge 

I can confirm that Trafalgar Square is equally 'pumped', as Alistair Kirkwood, Managing Director, NFL UK advises, despite the queues to be searched upon entering the arena.

Suddenly, Maureen Lipman comes into view as she signs autographs outside The Garrick Theatre where J B Priestley's 'farcical comedy' When we are married plays for a limited season.

My dear father would often quote Samuel Johnson "Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.

Government statistians may well be tasked to make 'happiness' the new GDP during these times of austerity:  conversely, 'happiness comes from within' as Author, Debbie Ford eloquently explains.
The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse

The Vatican Library Collection Windows to Heaven Rosary Bracelet
Windows to Heaven
Buddhism's The Second Noble Truth suggests that cravings, desire and ignorance lead us to suffering.

Conversely, Debbie Ford suggests that we ALL deserve our heart's desires.

Well, do we or does it depend on that which we seek?  Let's see ....


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